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KidShip Academy is staffed with caring, fun and dedicated professionals. Participating regularly in professional development experiences, our teachers are constantly looking for ways to further improve their education to teach our students. Observations of each child are taken throughout the day in addition to monthly ages and stages evaluations conducted on a monthly basis.

Our facilitators in their interactions with children, our teachers work to align children interest with the learning domains loving, nurturing and positive ways which support students in feeling safe, loved and valued. Our Funshine Express and Houghton Mifflin curriculum addresses the whole child including academic, physical, social and emotional domains.


Our Programs

Toddlers, 12 - 24 months
As your child begins to walk run, and jump, our educators analyze and observe their interactions with the environment and learning experiences. With several toddlers possessing at least 50 words by this age, our teaches observe your child’s development to foster their expressive language skills.


Two’s - year - olds
As your child grows in a comfortable and safe environment, they are open to take risks and be more inquisitive. Independence becomes an evident milestone for two year old's. Through various senatorial, fine motor, and gross motor experiences, teachers encourage children to become self-sufficient.


Three - year- olds, Preschool
As children enter preschool, their verbal language becomes a powerful tool they use to express themselves. As their identity and independence develops, they begin to question everything around them and are constantly asking, “why?” Since preschoolers begin to understand a daily flow and other’s routines, they are more comfortable accepting transitions and self soothe themselves.


Fours, Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK)
At this stage, your child will develop greater self control, independence and enjoy trying new learning experiences. Since their vocabulary and pronunciation increases, they begin communicating in more complex and compound sentences. Our teaches invite our VPK students to participate in creating productions and in revisiting their experiences through literacy, math, science, creative expression and social and emotional skills. VPK students are also encouraged to get involved during the documentation process for their assessments, which prepares them for kindergarten.

Curious Girl
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